Submitting handwritten notes in place of assessments=
up to 70% for each.
How can I earn the most credit for my notes?
Think quality, not quantity.
It does not matter how much you write
if you do not show understanding of the lesson.
1. Check the objectives given for that lesson. Do your notes answer all of those?
2. Do not copy word-for-word from the lesson. Re-state ideas in your own VOICE.
3. World History students may submit Travel Journals as notes for up to 70% credit for each lesson.
4. 8th US History students may submit the 411 Files as notes for up to 70% credit for each lesson.
TinyScanner is a great app which allows you to take a pic of your work on your phone and send as a PDF file!
A few examples to take notes for learning and earning credit:
1. Stop at the end of each page and summarize what you learned in your own words.

2. Video: How to take CORNELL-style notes.
3. Another example of great note taking: